Training Courses

Branding & Membership Insights Session

28/06/2024 - 28/06/2024

14:00 - 15:30 (Online)

BFI FAN Members from across the UK are invited to join this special Open Session as part of the REACH: Strategic Audience Development programme.

Yi Wang, Director of Queer East and Joan Parsons, Head of Culture and Arts at Queen’s University Belfast, will be presenting case studies on how they have successfully developed audiences through Branding and Memberships respectively.

Queer East, established in 2020, has quickly created an effective brand presence for their festival that has helped them nurture an impressive audience from scratch. Yi will talk us through what inspired his approach to brand-building and how it has continued to develop as the festival has grown.

Joan Parsons will be joining us to provide details on how Queen’s Film Theatre created its membership offer. QFT has grown its membership over the last few years, helping drive revenue and acting as a vital tool in audience development. We’ll look at their methodology and how membership data helps guide repeat attendance.

Running during 2024, normally for a closed group of selected participants, REACH: Strategic Audience Development is a workshop-based, project-driven training programme for BFI Film Audience Network members who want to build on their expertise in growing and diversifying audiences.

N.B The date of this session has changed to Friday 28 June 2pm-3.30pm


28/06/2024 - 28/06/2024
14:00 - 15:30 (Online)



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