Taking place at BFI Southbank in London on Tuesday 27 February 2024, this all-day event will be a brilliant chance to network and collaborate with fellow film exhibitors in the South East, take a look at case studies of a small sample of the great funded activity that has been delivered by you, the members, and find out more about the upcoming landscape of the BFI Film Audience Network.
Registration for the 2024 Film Hub South East Forum is now closed.
A full schedule for the Film Hub South East Forum is available here.
If you have any queries about the event, your eligibility, or registering online, read our FAQ below or contact us at: filmhubse@independentcinemaoffice.org.uk
The Film Hub South East Members Forum is a free event. Registration includes refreshments throughout the day (including lunch and the evening drinks reception) as well as access to all sessions.
If your circumstances change and you are no longer able to attend the Forum after registration, please contact us to cancel your ticket so we can release the space for other potential attendees. Registrants who don’t attend and who don’t cancel their tickets will not be prioritised for attendance at future events.
Bursary support
If you would like to apply for additional support to attend (whether towards the cost of your travel, accommodation, childcare or other) you may be eligible for a Film Hub South East bursary. Find out more.
The Forum is an industry event for people who work or volunteer at Film Hub South East member organisations (such as the staff of cinemas, film festivals, film societies and community cinemas) based in the South East region (as defined by the BFI), and for people that might be interested in beginning film screenings in their local area and want to learn more about our support and schemes.
If you’re not yet a Film Hub South East member, it’s free and easy to join. You can apply here.
Introduction - Film Hub South East
In the first session of the day, we’ll be sharing some of our findings from the previous year and looking ahead at the opportunities that’ll be available to you in 2024 as members of BFI FAN.
What’s happening at the UK Box Office
We are delighted to welcome back Distribution Consultant Delphine Lievens to provide some context on the current state of the industry by looking at the data available to us from the last year. Expect a deep dive into statistics specific to the South East region, offering helpful insights you can use across other sessions on the day.
Getting films rated by your local council
Whether you’re a new festival looking to screen films for the first time or a cinema looking to incorporate the work of local filmmakers into your programme, getting films rated by your local council is often necessary when those titles are not BBFC-rated. The Independent Cinema Office’s Head of Cinemas David Sin will outline the different processes that councils use when rating films and some tips on how to achieve this as smoothly as possible.
Young Film Network (South East)
In this session we explore how the recent changes in the structure of our Young Film Network have opened up a new range of opportunities for young people to progress their filmmaking ambitions and engage with culture cinema. In addition to our longstanding Young Film Programmers Network, this year we have been able to offer grants to first-time filmmakers through the Network’s Short Cut Film Fund, enabling them to explore their creative practice and showcase their filmmaking potential. We are delighted that this session will include a special presentation of the first three films commissioned through the Fund, alongside an overview of other upcoming opportunities in 2024/25.
Practicalities of VR for Cinemas
Join us for an insightful session that’ll explore the possibilities of running events with VR! You’ll learn about some of the different types of events you can deliver with this technology, and gather key insights for to maximise success. The StoryFutures team will share findings from their recent VR research project, whilst Carmen Slijpen (Depot Cinema) will guide us through their firsthand experience of organising VR events within a cinema environment.
Film Hub South East - Case studies from the region
Hear from some of your fellow members who have delivered successful projects over the last year, some with the support of the BFI FAN Film Exhibition Fund. These case studies will focus on audience development, both in a traditional cinema environment and a film festival.
FAN-Wide Opportunities
As Film Hub South East members, there are a variety of opportunities you have access to through the BFI Film Audience Network. In this session, we’ll go through some of the projects coming from BFI FAN down the line and discuss how you can get involved.
These sessions are your chance to talk directly to a member of Film Hub South East staff. The conversation could be about a project you’re thinking of applying for funding for, finding fellow FHSE members to collaborate with, learning more about the BFI Film Audience Network and more. These sessions must be booked in advance of the event — we’ll be in touch with registrants ahead of the Forum with details of how to book a one-to-one.
BFI Southbank
Belvedere Rd,
BFI Southbank sits on the South Bank under Waterloo Bridge in London. For local travel information, see BFI Southbank’s website.
Planning your journey
Use Transport for London’s (TFL) Journey Planner service and live travel news.
How do I register on the day?
Registration for attendees will be held in the morning at the Film Hub South East desk in BFI Southbank. You will be issued with a badge which will give you access to all sessions.
You don’t need to bring anything with you except your name and the name of your organisation (where applicable).
What is the schedule for the day?
We don’t have a precise schedule yet, but the estimated timings are 9:30am – 5pm (followed by a drinks reception).
We’ll list sessions and speakers on this page as they’re announced and circulate a full schedule as soon as possible.
Where will sessions be held?
Sessions will be held in NFT3 and The Blue Room.
Do I need to bring refreshments?
All refreshments (including tea and coffee, lunch and the evening drinks reception) will be provided.
How accessible is the BFI Southbank?
For full details on the accessibility of the BFI Southbank building please visit their accessibility page.
Code of Conduct
- We want our events to be fun, inclusive spaces for film professionals. We expect people attending and working at the event to maintain our code of conduct so that it can stay fun and inclusive. Harassment and bullying have no place at ICO/Film Hub South East events.
- Examples of inappropriate behaviour that contravenes our code of conduct include offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, aggressive behaviour, inappropriate physical contact and unwelcome sexual attention.
- If you feel uncomfortable, or someone behaves inappropriately towards you, or you witness something inappropriate, please report it to a member of ICO/Film Hub South East staff or email info@independentcinemaoffice.org.uk. Your complaint will be treated with confidence and discretion. We are happy to help you and can help report inappropriate behaviour to the authorities, where necessary or address the problem ourselves where more appropriate. We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone who does not comply with our code of conduct. This code of conduct applies both in person and online.
- If you would like to speak to an independent organisation about an issue, the Film and TV Charity have a free and confidential helpline available on 0800 054 00 00. It operates seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
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