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About the courseData-Driven Film Exhibition (DDFE) is for film exhibition professionals working in independent cinemas and venues, showing them how to use internal and external data sources to adjust to the changes the Covid-19 pandemic has brought to the sector that are likely to stay with us for some time to come, if not permanently.
DDFE will provide a timely intervention, assisting exhibitors to create strategies to influence, impact and develop audience relationships, ultimately leading to a more sustainable exhibition sector. Participation in the course will unlock the opportunity to take part in a highly-subsidised three-month bespoke consultancy with Indigo Ltd.
The course is supported by ScreenSkills as part of the BFI Future Film Skills programme using funds from the National Lottery
Applications are open now. The deadline has been extended to 12 noon, Wednesday 15 December.
About the course
Through the online seminars and bespoke consultancies, participants will develop:
- Highly-practical skills for a time-poor, under resourced, economically-challenged creative environment facing one of its biggest challenges of recent years.
- A full understanding of the value and importance of good data collection and analysis, with the ability to collect better data from their current audiences
- Significantly increased awareness of, and access to, key external sources of industry data
- A professional network of peers with whom they can share industry knowledge and expertise
Course programme
The three online modules will take place over three weeks in January:
Module One: Using Data for Audience Development
Thursday 6 January, 11am – 12.30pm
How can cinemas be smarter in their recovery? Audience behaviour has changed, perhaps in some cases irreversibly. This module will enable you to identify the data you currently have on your audiences, or data you can get on your audiences, that will help you to address these changes. It will also signpost existing data sources and equip you with the tools to interrogate the validity and relevance of external data sources before you apply it to your own forward business planning. Participants will leave the session with their own data health checklist outlining what data they have, what they are doing with it, what it should inform and how it should inform it.
Module Two: DATA X DIVERSITY – Informed access & inclusion
Thursday 13 January, 11am – 12.30pm
As we continue to adapt to differing restrictions and expectations around cinema experiences, how do we make sure we’re not compromising on inclusion? In this session, we’ll explore the intersection between data and diversity — how to collect data thoughtfully, how to use this data to inform approaches with audiences, and how to be meaningful in welcoming people with diverse lived experiences into our cinema spaces, both IRL and digitally.
Module Three: Data-Driven Programming
Thursday 20 January, 11am – 12.30pm
As distributor terms change, theatrical windows reduce and audience expectations about where they should/could watch content evolves, this session will encourage exhibitors to think differently and more creativity about their programming. With the help of Delphine Lievens, Head of Distribution at Bohemia Media, we will look back at recent box office data to identify what the surprising successes were from recent history, before looking ahead at the upcoming calendar to see if there is potential for those successes to be repeated.
Venue Consultancies
February 2022 – April 2022
£150 per consultancy
Following these three modules, attendees will be able to apply for a highly-subsidised bespoke consultancy with industry experts, Indigo Ltd. The consultant will work closely with your venue to identify areas of strength and areas of weakness, expand your skills and knowledge to reach a clear set of agreed objectives over a three-month period with a midway review for additional support.
Full details will be announced at the event.
Sector Exchange
May 2022 (exact date tbc)
A key challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic for the exhibition sector, and the wider film industry, has been the extraordinarily fast-paced nature of the changes in government policy impacting on how venues can engage with their audiences, if at all. Taking place in May 2022, almost two years after the first national lockdown, this event will allow the sharing of knowledge, experiences and research, giving film exhibitors across the UK access to quantitative and qualitative data that will further aid recovery.
Supported by
Data-Driven Film Exhibition is supported by ScreenSkills as part of the BFI Future Film Skills programme using funds from the National Lottery