In an attempt to become a minor internet celebrity, I am introducing something new and fabulous this week… the @ICOtweets official Must-see-No-brainer award! Look out for the #MSNB tag to find out which event is just so good it takes no brains to know you have to go and see it.
Serious News Headlines
- Another sign of what we can expect from the future of distribution and exhibition: DeLuxe Digital have selected @HP to operate the distribution of their feature films using a cloud based system– *yawn* — Oi! And the rest of the story can be found here.
- Independent horror movie to be released through Facebook game. Wait. Independent horror movie to be released through Facebook… Wow.
- I just love Lars Von Trier so much. Heard about the eight chapters of Nymphomaniac; digressionism and the new approach to audience interraction? Get over to @Screendaily and read all about it.
- @FL_FLAMIN has begun Selected III a touring programme of artists moving image throughout May and June. With works selected by artists nominated for the 2012 Jarman Award, the quality is sure to be high and demanding of your attention.
- @LUXmovingimage has a round-up of all the must-go-to events in the world of Artists Moving Image. Find out more here.
- @DigitalTheatre presents Abi Morgans Lovesong @BarbicanCentre the screening will be followed by a talk with director Scott Graham and actress Leanne Rowe. This almost wins my award. Almost.
- Of all the genuinely kick-ass stuff held @ThePCCLondon, the panel discussion and screening of The Rep, a documentary about the year in the life of a repertory cinema, seems particularly ass kicking (and pertinent). This gets my official #MSNB award!
- UK Green Film Festival… need I say more? How about: AWESOME.
- Okay, its a biggie: the Head of Professional Training and Development position is available at the ICO (that’s us). Deep breath and… APPLY!
- Calling all you independent cinemas, the FDA and @BKSTS are presenting Making the Best of Your Image, a training event aimed at cinema managers and operators with advice from experts on how to provide that little something extra to ensure people visit your cinema. And its a tenner.
Good Reads
- Always good for a left-field far-flung international news story, @BritishCouncil and @British_Film interview them man behind Film English, an awesome organisation that teaches the English language through film. Wish my school had done this with French.
- So everyone’s heard how good Beware of Mr. Baker is, right? Well @GuardianMusic has a great blog from @MichaelAHann detailing the horror show that was his experience meeting the man.
- Academic, industry-insider, general film commentator and genius, David Bordwell has written a fascinating essay on the demise of film. It’s a must read this.
- Heart-rending insight into Linklater’s inspiration for Before Sunrise et al.