Serious News Headlines
- @DCMS and @BFI are battling it out over budget cuts. Is 10% too much? I know if I took a 10% cut…
- @ScottJordanHarris of @TelegraphFilm loves @DerbyQUAD and ID Fest, naturally! Great article.
- @TheMikeFiggis has caused much debate following an article he wrote @GuardianFilm, critcising the UK film industry for being outdated. @ShootingPeople are continuing the conversation.
- @ScreenDaily reports from CineEurope on what is needed to introduce more alternative content into cinemas, which is an increasingly profitable market for exhibitors and distributors. So profitable it now has a trade body – say hello to the Event Cinema Association everybody!
- The chaps over @newstalkfm have been, um, talking about whether VOD signals the end of the cinema. Its Hollywood focused, but continues the discussion.
- And, um, further continuing that discussion is @IBTimesUK, which assesses how VOD platforms are changing cinema. Little more business minded this, for those that wear shoes to work.
- And then, then of course there is A Field in England and its multiplatform release. Head on over here to digest the figures… Is this the full-stop, or the exclamation mark?
- @4rfvdirectory brings us the excellent news that @Film_London is to make 135k available for Artists Moving Image through @FL_AMIN.
- Sky confirms commitment to 3D in light of the BBC ditching the technology. Is this a precursor to debate around filmic support of the medium?
- Another one bites the dust? Perhaps not – @getreading reports on the imminent closure of South Hill Park, the only independent cinema left in Bracknell.
- Listen up! @CinemaNation are currently managing a @Kickstarter campaign for their awesome @Scalarama, which showcases all forms of cinema across the UK. Develop those audiences, I say, and show your support!
- London’s outdoor cinemas. Need I say more?
- @LUXmovingimage has a round-up of all the must-go-to events in the world of Artists Moving Image. Find out more here.
- The John Brabourne Awards are open: sums of up to 5k are available for anyone with 2 years or more experience within the industry who can show that the award will help take them to and I quote the next level.
- @SkillsetSSC has opened up a 750k kitty for training. Head on over here to find out more and see if you fit.
- Are you new filmmaking talent, well are you!? Well if you are @Wshed is open for submissions for its Electric December event. Worth a swing, no doubt.
- Call for writers with an understanding of Nollywood (Nigerian cinema to you and I) come on, I know you’re out there! Great chance to get your writing seen. Email for more information.
Good Reads/Viewings
- @AdamMQuad of @DerbyQUAD writes an excellent piece about Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion for @ParkCircusFilm, smashing it out of the park.
- I am big fan of British Councils @British_Film blog and here they discuss the lasting appeal of the silent film format through @BFIs restored Hitchcock pictures.