BIFA Board Members

BIFA (The British Independent Film Awards)


Salary: Voluntary

Want to help shape the future of independent film? The BIFA Board is currently recruiting for new members who are experienced in the areas of filmmaking, distribution, sponsorship and fundraising.

We welcome applications from all, but are especially keen to receive applications from those in groups currently under-represented within the work force in the film industry.

There are currently several specific areas of expertise we would like to add to the Board:

1. Filmmaker

We would like to include another filmmaker (in any key creative role, including on-screen) who is actively working in UK independent film and has significant experience in features to lend their perspective and expertise to the Board, especially its discussions and reflections on BIFA’s support of emerging talent (Springboard and Breakthrough Performers Programme) and the industry more broadly, both in terms of the current offer and in terms of what more BIFA could and should be doing.

2. Distributor

One Board seat is reserved for a distributor, since this sector of the industry is a key stakeholder for BIFA’s awards and marketing activity.

3. Sponsorship & Business Development

BIFA has diversified its activities over the last five years but, as a Community Interest Company without any core funding, stabilising its financial position in the medium to long term is a key priority for the Board and the organisation. The Board and BIFA would like to include an individual with experience of sponsorship or fundraising on the Board to help to advise on strategy in this area.

Further information

Learn more and apply via our website.

The closing date for this position is 02/08/2024 at 23:59

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