From Hilde, With Love (in-person & online)

Dir: Andreas Dresen



124 mins


Liv Lisa Fries, Johannes Hegemann, Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Emma Bading

Andreas Dresen’s (Night Shapes, Grill Point, Stopped on Track) captivating historical drama spotlights the life of Hilde Coppi, a heroine of the anti-Nazi resistance.

Berlin, 1942: When heavily pregnant Hilde (Babylon Berlin star Liv Lisa Fries) is detained by the Gestapo, she denies accusations that she aided her lover, Hans (Johannes Hegemann), in transcribing coded transmissions from Moscow. But it seems there’s more evidence against her than she anticipated, given that Hans and many other activists involved in their group, the Red Orchestra, have also been arrested. As Hilde awaits her fate, she reminisces about her involvement with Hans and their joyful romance, the most beautiful summer of her life.

Anchored by an extraordinary performance from Fries, who perfectly embodies a heroine driven by an integral sense of decency and morality, evocatively filmed, Dresen’s deeply humanistic film is an affecting portrait of love at a time of desperate danger and oppression.

Booking Information


Picturehouse Entertainment


Blu-ray / DVD Bookings


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