Grandmaster, The

Dir: Kar Wai Wong





Wong Kar Wai’s double Oscar-nominated film inspired by the life of legendary Kung Fu master Ip Man (Tony Chiu Wai Leung) finally hits the UK after opening 2013’s Berlin Film Festival.

Born into a wealthy family in Foshan, Ip’s life changes when a Martial Arts Grandmaster names him as heir to his family, bypassing his only child Gong Er (Zhang Ziyi) as tradition dictates. Bent on restoring her family’s honour, she challenges Ip, igniting a relationship between the two that lasts a lifetime.

Spanning China’s chaotic Republican era, war with the Japanese and Ip’s ultimate move to the US, Wong’s approach is, naturally, unconventional. This is less a straightforward Kung Fu biopic than an philosophical, impressionistic ‘kung fu dream’, but a staggeringly beautiful one at that, with enough to please fans of Zhang Yimou and Ang Lee’s blockbusting fare, as well as those of Wong’s more oblique, meditative style.

Whilst the film may be dramatically subtle, this is a superbly stylish, visually breath-taking work from the famously perfectionist director, which showcases the considerable talents of his star team – notably cinematographer Philippe Le Sourd and action choreographer Tuen Woo-Ping (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon).

Booking Information

Release Date

5 December 2014

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