Bright Days Ahead

Dir: Marion Vernoux




César-winning French cinema icon Fanny Ardant makes a welcome return to the big screen as Caroline, a newly retired dentist who is struggling to come to terms with the death of her best friend from breast cancer, and the loss of purpose and position that comes with relinquishing her formidable career. 

In an attempt to fill her sprawling days, and to encourage her to meet new people, Caroline’s daughters by her a monthly pass to the splendidly named ‘Bright Days Ahead’ – a centre for the young-at-heart but not so agile of body, to learn new skills like pottery, painting and browsing the internet!

Caroline has as much enthusiasm for this new seniors club as one of her previous patients coming for a root canal, but an incidental rendezvous with her young IT tutor soon reignites her passion.

“Mature, reckless, and tastefully racy: these adjectives could just as easily be applied to Bright Days Ahead as a whole as to Ardant’s captivating performance. This is an adult movie in the best sense: not merely ribald but smart, resonant, erotic and deeply satisfying.” Toronto International Film Festival

Booking Information


Picturehouse Entertainment

Release Date

20 June 2014

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