Produced by Werner Herzog and directed by Gabe Polsky, this fascinating documentary uses archive footage to tell the story of the Red Army: the Soviet Union’s phenomenally successful ice hockey team and their intense, politically symbolic rivalry with the US.
The most successful dynasty in sports history, the Red Army hockey team’s story is told here from the perspective of its captain Slava Fetisov; and portrays his transformation from national hero to political enemy, and back again.
From the USSR to Russia, the film examines how sport mirrored the social and cultural movements of the time and parallels the rise and fall of the Red Army team with the concurrent fortunes of the Soviet Union.
With contributions from all of the major players of the time (save dictatorial coach Viktor Tikhonov!) this is an expansive, very immersive film giving a vivid insight into the vast cultural shifts experienced by Russians moving from the Soviet era to the present day.