Training and Professional Development Bursaries

Film Hub South East wants staff and volunteers in our region to benefit from the best skills and ideas. That's why we support members with training and professional development bursaries.

Please note: bursaries are currently available only for training and development activity with start dates no earlier than April 2025

Organisations that are members of Film Hub South East can apply for a bursary to support the training and professional development needs of staff/volunteers if they are screening at least twelve films per year. Priority will be given to applications that best fit in with the priorities of the BFI’s Screen Culture 2033 strategy and the strategic aims of Film Hub South East.

You’ll find most of the information you need on this web page, but please download the full guidelines and read them through before you apply. If you aren’t a member yet, apply to join Film Hub South East first.

Some examples of what you could apply for bursary support for:

For successful applicants, Film Hub South East can fund up to 90% of the costs of training course fees, travel and accommodation costs related to attending training, and other costs related to professional development. Please note attendance at international film festivals is not eligible.

Bursary funds are limited and unfortunately we will not be able to support every application.

Bursaries of up to £750 are available (inclusive of VAT). Organisations can only receive a maximum of £750, and applications are limited to one participant, per organisation, per event, so please be sure to discuss plans with your colleagues before applying.

Please read the Frequently Asked Questions below for more detailed information. To apply, download the proposal form and email your completed form to:

If you have any questions about applying for a bursary after reading the FAQ please contact us on or phone 0207 636 7120.


What is the BFI Film Audience Network?

The BFI Film Audience Network (or FAN) was originally set up in 2012, using funds from the National Lottery, to support a stronger and more connected approach to growing audiences for British and international film on the big screen.  It divided film exhibition activity in the UK into regions, each led by a regional Film Hub.

FAN is part of the BFI’s ten-year Screen Culture 2033 strategy and central to the commitment to give everyone, everywhere in the UK the opportunity to enjoy and learn from the richest and most diverse range of great British and international filmmaking, past, present and future.

The priorities for FAN under BFI Screen Culture 2033 are:

  • Children and young people – Opportunities for children, families, and young people (aged 25 and under) to experience a broader screen culture.
  • Access to a wider choice of film – To support public access to and enjoyment of the widest range of film and the moving image – including UK and international film, documentaries, TV and screen heritage (especially those heritage collections that reflect the diversity of the South East).
  • Tackling barriers – Working to tackle social, economic and geographic barriers to audiences, by addressing the obstructions presented by cost, physical access, sense of risk, and limited onscreen representation.

What is Film Hub South East?

Film Hub South East is the Hub region for the South East of England.  Geographically it has grown from the previous iteration of FAN and now covers the following local authority areas: Bedfordshire, Bracknell Forest, Brighton and Hove, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, East Sussex, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Luton, Medway, Milton Keynes, Norfolk, Oxfordshire, Peterborough, Reading, Slough, Southend-on-Sea, Suffolk, Surrey, Thurrock, West Berkshire, West Sussex, Windsor and Maidenhead and Wokingham.

Since 2018, Film Hub South East has been managed by the Independent Cinema Office (ICO), the UK’s national agency for the development and support of independent film exhibition.

What does Film Hub South East do?

Like all of the regional Film Hubs, Film Hub South East works on behalf of the BFI and in partnership with its members to deliver specific outcomes in its region against the priorities listed above.

Which organisations are eligible for a Training and Professional Development bursary?

Staff Members and volunteers of Film Hub South East Member organisations that show at least 12 films per year.

Applicants that have not previously received support through the bursary scheme will take priority over previous awardees.

We are unlikely to support:

  • a previous bursary recipient to take part in the same activity more than once;
  • more than one person per organisation to participate in a particular development opportunity.

However, if you can make a strong case for support in these circumstances your application will be considered.

What kind of activities will be supported?

These bursaries are designed to support training and professional development activities for organisations that would otherwise not be able to afford to support their staff (or volunteers) in these activities. Relevant activities might include attending training courses, conferences or screening events.

Applications to attend international film festivals are not eligible.

Only economy/ standard class travel costs will be eligible for support.

Costs related to caring responsibilities are also eligible (with receipts from certified childcare providers or registered carers).

What are the priorities for the scheme?

Decisions on allocating bursary funding will be made by a senior member of FHSE staff. Please bear in mind that demand for bursaries generally outstrips available resources and as such we will not always be able to offer support to everyone or to the level requested. We will give priority to those requests that most closely fit our priorities.

Priorities for support

(a) We will prioritise support for attendance at events / training that address BFI Screen Culture 2033 priorities, which are:

  • Opportunities for children, families, and young people (aged 25 and under) to experience a broader screen culture.
  • Supporting public access to and enjoyment of the widest range of film and the moving image – including UK and international film, documentaries, TV and screen heritage.
  • Tackling social, economic and geographic barriers to audiences, by addressing the obstructions presented by cost, physical access, sense of risk, and limited onscreen representation.

(b) We also wish to use our Bursary Scheme to support the BFI Diversity Standards by:

  • enabling people/ organisations from under-represented groups to access training and professional development opportunities;
  • broadening the range of films available to audiences with diverse narratives, casts, crew and places depicted;
  • promoting training and professional development opportunities that will help to develop under-served or disadvantaged audiences (including ways of improving access for disabled audiences).

(c) The UK has on offer a rich array of film festivals, screening events, conferences and training opportunities. Many of these are organised by FAN members, providing great opportunities for learning, profile raising and relationship building. We will prioritise attendance at activities that contribute to this vibrant UK scene.

d) FAN funding is drawn from the National Lottery good causes and as such we wish to ensure there is a clear public value from our investment. We will therefore give priority to those requests that we believe offer best value for money.

In summary, the strongest applications will be those that in the view of the FHSE, clearly establish:

(a) A strategic fit with BFI Screen Culture 2033 and Hub priorities;

(b) Support for BFI Diversity Standards;

(c) The specific benefits of supported activity and its likely legacy for your organisation and the wider Hub network;

(d) Value for money.

How do I apply?

When do I need to apply by?

You must apply a minimum of four weeks prior to the start of the event/activity. Applications for activities that have already taken place will not be accepted.

How long will it take for a decision to be made on applications?

Decisions will be communicated no later than two weeks after applications are received.

How much can members apply for?

Bursaries are available of up to £750 (inclusive of VAT).  Applications can be submitted for up to 90% of the full costs of the activity, but in most cases we would not expect to fund more than 75% of the cost.

If applicants are VAT registered, bursary claims should not include any VAT if it will claimed back from HMRC.  If applicants are not VAT registered, bursary claims can include VAT where necessary.

Organisations can receive a maximum of £750 from this fund from April 2024, so please be sure to discuss plans with your colleagues before applying.

How will decisions be made?

Please note bursary funds are limited and we will not be able to support every application.

Each application will be assessed by two members of senior ICO staff, who will then discuss and finalise the decision.

Do I need to do anything in return for receiving a bursary?

Successful applicants will be asked to write a report about the impact of the training or professional development activity on their work and future plans, and may also be asked to write a blog post or share their experience with other Film Hub members in other ways (to be discussed with Film Hub South East).

How and when will payments be made?

If your application is successful, we can provide 50% of the bursary up front if necessary.

Final payments will be made after full receipts and reporting paperwork have been submitted. Payment will not be made if you didn’t complete or attend the activity in full. Applicants who need an advance payment should indicate this on their application form.

How much funding is available for the scheme?

£3,000 from 1 April 2024.

Once the funding has all been allocated and the scheme has closed, this will be communicated to Film Hub South East members.

What do I do if I have further questions about applying for a bursary?

If you have any questions about applying for a bursary after reading this FAQ please contact us at or on 0207 636 7120.

Subscribe to the Training and Professional Development Bursaries mailing list

Please note, this list is primarily for people working or volunteering in cinema and film exhibition in the South East region.

If you are a filmmaker in the South East, join the BFI NETWORK South East Newsletter.

If you are a young person aged 16-25, join the Young Film Network South East Newsletter.

What kind of organisation do you work in? *
What kind of work do you do? *
* indicates required