News & Opportunities: October 2020 round up

Posted on October 29, 2020 by Sami Abdul-Razzak

Categories: News Round-Up

ICO News


  • Applications to the BFI Culture Recovery Fund for Independent Cinemas in England close on Friday 30 October.
  • Dial F for Freelancer is a newly launched platform dedicated to UK and Irish film exhibition and distribution freelancers. It’s a place for resources and advice as well as an ace directory of the best in the business.
  • The Film & TV Charity has put together a summary of the support they can offer to those working in the exhibition sector during this difficult time. Read it here.
  • Nearly 400 cinemas have already signed up to take part in European Arthouse Cinema Day on November 8. Join them to celebrate the best of European cinema with special screenings in hundreds of cinemas across the world. Register by 30 October.
  • This Way Up is going digital! The film exhibition innovation conference will take place 1-3 December, providing a programme of events, workshops, networking, and a space to reflect and share. Registration is now open.
  • On 4 November, join London’s Screen Archives for the second session in a series of online archive training events. This session will provide an introduction to film and video cataloguing, writing descriptions and metadata for archive film and video.
  • Current film job listings include positions at the BFI, The Chiswick Cinema, St Andrews Film Festival, Showroom Workstation, The Arts Marketing Association and Rural Arts.
  • Tape Collective has launched Good Wickedry, a new online cinema platform aiming to be diverse, nuanced, inclusive and unique. They’ll present one film a week, with commissioned essays alongside to explore the themes and ideas of the work.
  • The Creative Industries Federation has announced the full programme for Creative Coalition 2020, a three-day event for the UK’s creative industries running from 9-11 November.
  • The second part of the Film Festival Alliance Regional Roundtable takes place online on Friday 30 October,  a day of brainstorming, discussing, and sharing case studies on the current state of film festivals. Register here.
  • Cinema For All’s regional support scheme On the Ground is back – connecting emerging and existing community cinema exhibitors from across the West Midlands to their share skills, knowledge and expertise! Join them on 21 November for an afternoon of panels, masterclasses, networking and more.
  • The annual Grierson Awards are taking place on Thursday 12 November. Join them on YouTube for an evening celebrating the best in documentary filmmaking in the UK and abroad.
  • The BFI is carrying out a study to examine the impact of the Future Film Skills Programme. If you’d like to give your views, their survey is open until Saturday 31 October.

Screenings and festivals

  • The 15th London Korean Film Festival kicks off in cinemas and online on Thursday 29 October! Celebrating the global success of Parasite, this year’s lineup includes a special selection of Bong Joon Ho early shorts as well as the best in contemporary and classic Korean cinema.
  • The UK Jewish Film Festival will be live from 5-19 November and streamed entirely online with over 70 films, Q&As, discussions and events reflecting the diversity of the Jewish experience.
  • Belfast Film Festival and its sister documentary festival, Docs Ireland, will both take place in November after being postponed earlier in the year. The festivals will run as a mix of in-venue screenings and online events.
  • From 28 October – 7 November 2020, Raindance Film Festival will screen hundreds of short and feature films online, accessible from anywhere in the UK.
  • The Arts Marketing Festival is running online from 1-2 December. An event for arts & culture marketers at all levels, looking to deepen their knowledge and understanding of their work, and share learning from their experiences.
  • Film Africa is back from 30 October to 8 November, showcasing an exciting collection of some of the best contemporary cinema stemming from Africa and its global diaspora. Screenings will take place at Rich Mix and BFI Southbank in London, as well as on BFI Player.
  • Four brilliant film festivals (FilmBath, CINECITY, Cambridge Film Festival and Cornwall Film Festival) have joined forces to create Amplify!, an online film festival running 6-22 November.
  • The Slow Film Festival is going online for 2020 with a programme of new commissions, live panels and shorts celebrating all things durational. It kicks off Saturday 31 October.
  • Norwich Film Festival is taking place online throughout November with an exciting showcase of 150 short films from 33 countries.
  • The annual London Palestine Film Festival returns with a programme of films and discussions to encourage dialogue about Palestinian cinema and culture. This year offers a programme of cinema screenings and online streams of the latest works exploring Palestine.

Good reads/good watches

Image: Your Ecstatic Self, dir. Rehana Zaman.

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