ICO Annual Report 2022-2023

Celebrating our work over the past year and beyond

Download our annual report:

This year the ICO celebrates its 20th anniversary. Founded to ensure that everyone in the UK has access to life-changing cinema, the ICO has come a long way since 2003. We’ve grown from three members of staff to 23, offering programming advice and consultancy, distributing film work of cultural importance, delivering Screening Days and training, and since 2018, running Film Hub South East as part of the BFI Film Audience Network.

The sector faces challenges in 2023, but we still believe in the power of cinema to enhance people’s lives and in our core vision of all communities having access to a thriving and equitable independent cinema culture. We owe tremendous thanks to the BFI for their continuing support, as well as to all our partners, sponsors, friends and champions over the years.

This special edition of our Annual Report provides an overview of the work we’ve done over the last twelve months to try to achieve this, as well as looking back at the impact we’ve made over the past twenty years.

We hope you enjoy reading the report in full, but here are some of the highlights from our work this past year:

The sector faces challenges in 2023, but we still believe in the power of cinema to enhance people’s lives and in our core vision of all communities having access to a thriving and equitable independent cinema culture.

Catharine Des Forges
Director of the Independent Cinema Office

If you have any questions about the contents of the report or would like to learn more about our work, please email us.

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