Baby (in-person & online)

Dir: Marcelo Caetano

Brazil, France, Netherlands


107 mins


João Pedro Mariano, Ricardo Teodoro, Ana Flavia Cavalcanti
Luiz Bertazzo

Brazilian director Marcelo Caetano follows his acclaimed 2017 debut Body Electric with this dynamic homage to São Paulo and the people who struggle to survive in it. Baby’s undoubted focus is the city’s queer scene, but Caetano weaves his central story about the fascinatingly fluid relationship between two queer men into a wider human story about love, loss and social agency.

After his release from juvenile prison, Wellington (Joao Pedro Mariano) finds his parents have disappeared, leaving him homeless. While deciding on his next move, he meets Ronaldo (Ricardo Teodoro), an older hustler, outside a porn cinema. As Ronaldo schools him on street survival, the two embark on a passionate, turbulent but also caring relationship, allowing Wellington to experience different sides of hustling life as well as redefining what ‘family’ means to him.

Booking Information


Peccadillo Pictures


Blu-ray / DVD Bookings


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