Training Courses

Dementia-friendly screenings - FHSE Training 2024/25

27/02/2025 - 27/02/2025

10:30am - 12pm, Online (Zoom)

Over the course of this year, Film Hub South East is running a series of free training sessions to support our members in their work to grow audiences for independent film in the region.

For our final event in the programme, we’re focussing on audience development by looking at dementia-friendly screenings.

To introduce the subject, we are welcoming Dr MaoHui Deng (Lecturer in Film Studies, University of Manchester), who will guide us through how films and the cinematic experience can be utilised to support people living with dementia. Following this, we will look at a case study from the region through the work of Mike Riddiford (Volunteer, Ropetackle Arts Centre), who has been running their successful Dementia Film Project for over five years. This session will include practical advice on how you can reach new audiences and give you the confidence to support dementia-friendly screenings.

Registration for this event will close on Wednesday 26th February.


27/02/2025 - 27/02/2025
10:30am - 12pm, Online (Zoom)




Mike Riddiford

Volunteer, Ropetackle Arts Centre

After working in a variety of settings and countries, including Africa and various European locations, I moved to Shoreham just prior to retirement. Preparing for an enjoyable retirement, I became a volunteer for Ropetackle Arts Centre. This gave me purpose and a chance to meet new friends. When I was recruited to the Ropetackle Film Club Committee, I became involved in many of the tasks necessary to advance the provision of films and ensure their accessibility for all. Taking skills from my previous position as Sales and Contracts Manager, which included managing projects from start to finish and working with a variety of personnel, I volunteered to lead a project for films for those with memory loss. I obtained the necessary grant to continue into a second series of films. The “Relaxed Films” volunteer group grew, and the project flourished. Steering the project forward with further grants and developments, and taking ideas from both the visitors and volunteers, are enabling the Dementia Film Project to continue successfully. It is thoroughly enjoyed by both the visitors and the volunteering team.

Dr MaoHui Deng

Lecturer, Film Studies, University of Manchester

MaoHui Deng is Lecturer in Film Studies at the University of Manchester. He is the author of Ageing, Dementia and Time in Film: Temporal Performances (2023, Edinburgh University Press), which won Runner-Up in the 2024 British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies (BAFTSS) Best First Monograph category. He has also published chapters on films about dementia in The Routledge Companion to European Cinema (Routledge), Contemporary Narratives of Ageing, Illness, Care (Routledge), and The Politics of Dementia (De Gruyter). He is currently working on a project on cinema, dementia, and decoloniality.

2024/25 FHSE Training Schedule

Marketing Essentials
2 May 2024, Online

Marketing Practicalities
11 July 2024, Online

October 2024, Cambridge

Dementia-friendly screenings
27 February 2025, Online

Film Hub South East Forum
11 March 2025, In-person (BFI Southbank)

How to apply


Sign up for this session below. This training is free to attend.

Registration for the Dementia-friendly screenings training session closes Wednesday 26 February.


Once you’ve signed up for your ticket/s you will receive an email confirming your registration. This will be followed by instructions on how to join via Zoom closer to the event.

If you have any queries or issues with your registration, please get in touch at:


These free training events are for Film Hub South East members only. Not a member? It’s free and easy to join.

Bursary Support

If you would like to apply for additional support to attend (whether towards the cost of your travel, accommodation, childcare or other) you may be eligible for a Film Hub South East bursary. Find out more.

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