Programme & Marketing Coordinator

Film Hub Scotland


Salary: £25,008 per annum

As part of the BFI’s Film Audience Network, Film Hub Scotland (FHS) is one of eight Hubs across the UK with the aim of extending film choice, increasing audiences, and enhancing opportunities for audiences across Scotland to deepen their relationship with film.

They support a network of over 160 film exhibitors serving Scotland’s diverse population.They provide Hub members with a range of funding opportunities, screening programmes, training, networking events and audience research, helping Scotland’s exhibitors broaden and deepen their programme and reach to engage with a wide and diverse audience.

Reporting to and working closely with the Hub Manager, the Hub Programme & Marketing Coordinator will be responsible for hub communications and for co-ordinating programming initiatives with Film Hub Scotland members, partners and stakeholders. They will be responsible for producing newsletters, social media, press releases, managing social media, recording of hub events and activities and assisting with event production. They will also co-ordinate with the membership and programming partners to promote and deliver audience development initiatives developed by the Hub, the Film Audience Network and other partner organisations. The post holder will also support the delivery of core hub activity including hub, network and sector events, programming and marketing meetings and other activities as required.

Full details of this role and how to apply can be found here.

Please refer to the job description and person specification in your application, telling us why you are interested and what skills and experience you would bring to the organisation. In addition to the application form and our equal opportunities monitoring form please submit an up-to-date C.V. and cover letter. Completed applications should be addressed to Caroline Rice and emailed to:

Please note that, in line with Glasgow Film’s environmental policy, they will only handle applications electronically. We will confirm we have received your application by e-mail.
If you need more information before you apply, please email Sambrooke Scott, Film Hub Scotland Manager at

Film Hub Scotland is led by Glasgow Film.

Interviews will be held the week commencing Monday 19th February, 2018.

The closing date for this position is 12/02/2018 at 10:00

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